Tuesday, November 23, 2010


I've been thinking about taking another break from social networks again.  Shit just aint fun anymore.  When u have to walk on eggshells to say or do what u want, what part of that is being social?  I'm finding that whatever I post on Facebook people wanna dissect and try to add their 2 cents.  Shit I write aint about u so sit the fuck down.  You're not that important and if your name isn't stated it's not about u!

I'm having a similar problem on Twitter.  I don't tweet for pussy, laughs, or fame.  I state whatever is on my mind at the time.  I thought that was the point of twitter...guess not.  I also like to retweet.  The button is there for a reason and it's a form of communication.  I would love to be able to use Twitter without retweeting people.  That way I can just talk about stupid shit that nobody gives a fuck about.  But I'm not a boring ass person so there's a better chance of pigs racing in Nascar.  DEAL WITH IT!!

I just wish people would mind their fucking business and just do them cause I always do me.  I'm not one of those bitch asses that complain about deleting accounts for attention so I'm not going anywhere.  I think I'm gonna just fall back from participating for awhile though


  1. Of course I had to add my two cents to this post especially since I'm the only one that complains about stupid ass retweets. DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING I SAY THE WRONG WAY. I SAY THESE THINGS BECAUSE YOU ARE MY FRIEND.

    But Dante on the real, you retweet more than you actually tweet. There is a thing called REPLY. You can simply reply to a tweet rather than retweet it all the time. Another thing you say is you don't retweet or tweet for pussy but half the things you retweet is half naked broads or photos of half naked broads. I personally don't want to see that on my timeline. But that's my only beef with the this whole post. You can actually use twitter without retweeting just update about things you're doing, duh.

    So don't leave twitter just take a different approach to it. (hugs)

  2. That's what happens when social networks are no longer restricted as they once were. Facebook used to be fun when it was only restricted to college students. I can't say that enough, but it's true.
